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Security Policy

Our Priniciple

Recognize the existence as a social public institution and serve society and customers for the development of IT society.


We recognize the importance of customer information and confidential information handled in our business activities, ensure proper management and protection, comply with laws and regulations, and act with high ethical standards.

Our Policy Regarding Security

Based on this philosophy, we define information security as "maintaining confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets" and properly protect information assets from threats such as loss/theft, unauthorized access/computer viruses.

We will strengthen physical and technical security and raise employee awareness, and strive to establish, maintain and improve an information security management system whose main purpose is to prevent security incidents and accidents related to customer information.


  1. The scope of application covers all information assets related to our business activities, and
    we will protect and maintain highly confidential information assets such as information about our customers with the utmost importance.

  2. We will manage and maintain the information that we deposit outside the company so that it will be handled appropriately in the same way as inside the company.

  3. Establish risk assessment criteria and risk assessment procedures for information security threats/vulnerabilities to information assets, and systematically implement appropriate control measures according to the information assets to be handled to accept risks. Reduce to the standard.

  4. In order to promote information security smoothly, the ISMS Committee will clarify the roles and responsibilities of the promotion and operation of information security.

  5. We will provide the necessary education to all employees and thoroughly comply with the rules stipulated in legal and contractual requirements information and security regulations and requirements.

  6. We appoint an internal auditor and regularly conduct information security audits to verify the suitability and effectiveness of the information security management system and compliance with the established rules.

  7. Information security policies and control measures will be reviewed regularly or as necessary in consideration of changes in business content and social conditions, in order to continuously improve information security.

  8. If you violate the matters to be observed in information security, we will respond based on the work regulations.

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